We are here to help – Contact Jesma
Please contact Jesma for any inquiries you may have concerning our company, products or services.
You may contact the headquarters, select a local office below, and we will reply as soon as possible.
How can we help? Here is how to get in touch with us:
Reach us by phone
Our phone is open during office hours. If you are calling outside – please follow the instructions.
Send us an email
Get a hold of Jesma for questions, service matters, we are ready to help.
Get support
Do you have an inquiry, questions, or the like? Contact Jesma Sales department for any product, service inquiries.
Download product guide
An overview over Jesma’s weighing, dosing and service range.
(+45) 75 72 11 00
Contact an Employee directly
Send us an email
Our email: Jesma@jesma.dk
Contact Sales
Sales inquiries: Jesma@jesma.dk
For specific Product information
We look forward to hearing from you!