Quarries and mining – extractive industry

For industries producing, distributing, or otherwise handling raw materials, using the right piece of weighing technology is crucial.

In the extractive industry, among other in quarries or mining, a mix of static and dynamic weighing solutions are used to manage and measure on the product.

Weighing in quarries and mining can:
  • Transport and measure large amount of material accurately – tonnes moved per hour.
  • Increase traceability of loading points, knowing how much material is where and goes where.
  • Increase productivity due to automatization of certain processes
  • Facilitate documentation with constant monitoring and accurate measurement of materials.
  • Weigh the quantity of finished product such as different types of aggregate.

Whether the task is the tracking of inbound raw materials, or consumption of materials during production and processing, or dispatch of final product, weighing plays an important role through every step.