JesFill 1000-1500
Big Bag handlingThe JesFill big bag weighing unit for filling of big bags – fully electronic weighing system
It is consisting of a valve, a bag clamp, a frame for lifting and lowering of the bag, a driven roller path (weighing section), a blower, a flapbox and a rack.
The product inlet is operated by a pneumatic valve, which regulates and stops the intake of material. The arms on the bag clamp are activated / closed via the capacitive sensors on each side of the filling tube.
The big bag is placed on the bag clamp by the operator, which will affect the sensors which closers the bag clamp and starts the weighing-filling cycle.
Key features and benefits:
- Max capacity: 1000-1500 kg
- Division: 500 g
- Possibility for verification for trade approval OIML R61
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